Our studies and publications are based on the GEF / IFGE © database. The GEF base (Government Business in France) includes 783 different listed companies that either have been introduced in the SBF 250 between 1992 and 2011, have gone public during this period. This population is a representative panel of two thirds of medium and small enterprises and one third of large companies.

For all these companies, GEF brings together comprehensive data for the period 1992-2011, several thousands of information:
• Economic data (activities, sales, staff, internationalization, research and development, investment…)
• Financial data (balance sheets, results, performance, funding structure …)
• Data on governance (shareholders, top-managers, directors …)
• Strategic Data (type of strategic maneuvers, internal organization, subsidiaries …).

Our « Cahiers Preuves à l’appui » disseminate data on companies from / GEF © IFGE base. They offer explanations on economic developments of the past 20 years, which allows a new look at these issues. To view all the evidence in support, click Publications in the menu bar at the top of the page.


Zied Guedri

Professor of Strategy at EMLYON, associated researcher at IFGE.

The database GEF / IFGE © is the result of a collaborative work started in 2005. It was designed in order to facilitate and stimulate academic research on corporate governance in France and to disseminate reliable statistics to different stakeholders. It is undoubtedly the richest and the most updated and reliable source available today on corporate governance in France.

La recherche
au service de l'action

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